At the beginning of the year 2009 I find this a social network site that is unique and the latest at the time because this site is the beta release. The name of this site is also very unique Acobay.com and of course all you have to know what the function of social network sites. Acobay on social network site we can also meet with friends who have a hobby that we have the same hobbies such as mobile phone collection, cars, movies, music or other we bsa connected by this social network so that we can share files.
To become a user on the network sites Acobay is very easy once we only fill the form Register that has been provided by the site and fill out the form after it officially became our users in acobay.com. For My Stuff that is in the social network sites such as this are categori and my vaforit kategori computer and more kategori: Automotive, Cameras, Cell Phone, computer, sports, other gadgedts, games, movie, and many others can you see yourself in acobay. And hopefully it acobay social networking sites will become a social network site and become a great success. What Your Network???